Media Appearances

Textbox Section

Jonathan's fitness and brain health insights are always a hit in the popular media. He brings useful information, new ideas, and a fresh take on familiar concepts presented in charismatic ways to top media outlets in any format – video, audio, print, and online media. Jonathan is also a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise (ACE.)
To use Jonathan as a source, contact him here

Podcast Interviews

Podcast Guest Appearances by Jonathan Ross

Jonathan's refreshing, approachable insights and visionary concepts in fitness and brain health make him a frequent guest on podcasts.

Selected video appearances

My "800 Pounds of Parents" Story

Lifetime TV - The Balancing Act

Short Circuit - the Fast Track to Anytime Results

Funky Jumping Jacks - An Anywhere Way to Get Your Heart Pumping

Rethinking Resolutions - Guarantee Fitness Success with the 4 E's

Fox 5 News - Washington, DC

Cheap Indoor Fitness Options & Batuka Dance Demo